Soundtrack available on iTunesIt has been reported on (and confirmed by myself) that the soundtrack for The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy is already available on iTunes, including 33 tracks, 26 of which are orchestral pieces written by Joby Talbot, including a cover of the theme song from the TV series, the Eagles' "Journey Of The Sorceror", which will certainly make veteran fans happy!
The report goes on to say that there are also tunes from Al Green, Perry Como, and Betty Wright, as well as a cover of "Reasons To Be Miserable", a song originally sung by Marvin, though the lyrics have been rewritten from the first-person to the third-person point of view. The new version is sung by Stephen Fry, the voice of The Guide in the movie.
The list of tracks (originally found on for the soundtrack is as follows:
- "The Dolphins"(1:00) Joby Talbot
- "So Long & Thanks for All the Fish" (2:26) Hilary Summers, Kemi Ominiyi & The R'SVP Voices
- "Arthur Wakes Up" (2:53) Joby Talbot
- "Shoo-Rah! Shoo-Rah!" (2:51) Betty Wright
- "Here I Am (Come and Take Me)" (4:13) Al Green
- "Destruction of Earth" (1:31) Joby Talbot
- "Journey of the Sorcerer" (1:15) Joby Talbot
- "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (1:14) Joby Talbot
- "Inside the Vogon Ship" (2:46) Joby Talbot
- "Vogon Poetry" (0:48) Joby Talbot
- "Space" (1:00) Joby Talbot
- "Vogon Command Centre" (1:00) Joby Talbot
- "Trillian & Arthur Reunited" (1:45) Joby Talbot
- "Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster" (1:40) Joby Talbot
- "Tea In Space" (1:08) Joby Talbot
- "Deep Thought" (2:06) Joby Talbot
- "Infinite Improbability Drive" (0:55) Joby Talbot
- "Viltvodle Street Music" (0:45) Joby Talbot
- "Huma's Hymn" (1:02) Joby Talbot
- "Capture of Trillian" (4:27) Joby Talbot
- "Vogcity" (1:02) Joby Talbot
- "Love" (1:44) Joby Talbot
- "The Whale" (1:53) Joby Talbot
- "Planet Factory Floor" (2:29) Joby Talbot
- "Earth Mark II" (6:29) Joby Talbot
- "Magic Moments" (2:37) Perry Como
- "Shootout" (3:23) Joby Talbot
- "Finale" (1:50) Joby Talbot
- "Blast Off" (0:16) Joby Talbot
- "So Long & Thanks for All the Fish" (Reprise) (2:54) Neil Hannon
- "Careless Talk" (1:42) Joby Talbot
- "Vote Beeblebrox" (3:27) Andy Dunlop, Chuck Norman, Douglas Payne, Fran Balke, Hannah Thomas, Miggy Barradas & Neil Hannon
- "Reasons to Be Miserable" (His Name Is Marvin) (3:37) Stephen Fry
Documentary rumorThere is an unconfirmed (but seemingly credible) rumor that the documentary
Life, The Universe, And Douglas Adams will be available as an bonus feature on the eventual DVD release of The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy.
"Douglas was always full of ideas. Many of them mine. Seriously, he was wonderfully stimulating company. You don't believe me? Buy this." --John Cleese
First and only authorized documentary of beloved author and visionary, Douglas Adams.Narrated by Sandman Creator, Neil Gaiman, the film features exclusive, never-before seen footage of Douglas Adams, with contributions from over 30 of his closest family and friends.Previously, this has only been available on VHS (see link above).
Edit: Personal note to Neil Gaiman (who did the narration for the above documentary) - Your journal (
link) has been added to's link section. And thanks for the oodles of traffic today when you mentioned in your journal. I had no idea your site was so insanely popular... ;)
Apple iPod Promotional Tie-inApple Computer is planning to use the upcoming release of the new Disney/Touchstone movie "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy" as part of a large-scale promotion for their iPod gadget, featuring, among other things, newly written guide entries.
Other interactive tie-ins will include a pair of games for mobile phones, and the idea of a console-based video game has been discussed, but there are no definite plans as of this time.
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Behind The Scenes AgainThere's a new "Behind the Scenes" look at The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, as Moviefone (AOL) has just released a new interview with Robbie Stamp, executive producer of the upcoming sure-to-be-a-classic movie "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy".
In this interview, Robbie mentions some very interesting tidbits. For example, Douglas Adams' nose is used in the film. The 30-foot high entrance to the temple run by
Humma Kavula is actually a huge sculpture of Adams' nose. Humma Kavula, of course, is the megalomaniacial leader of a religion that believes that the universe was sneezed out of the nose of the Great Green Arkleseizure, and who believe that the end of the universe will come in the form of the day of the Great White Hankerchief.
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Older NewsWe've recently moved the news section to a blog format for ease of use, and this is just the easiest way to move the older news posts over to the new format.
March 30, 2005: Robbie Stamp answered a lot of questions today in a live chat with fans at Australian site, including such commonly asked questions such as what book(s) are covered in the movie, whether or not certain parts would be included, etc. (Unfortunately, my DSL went out exactly 3 minutes into it, so I was unable to actively participate.)
(Read more)
March 22, 2005:
The Official British site is open and chock full of goodies. Check it out at the Official (British) Movie Site.
(Read more)
March 18, 2005:
There's been a HUGE update to the Official site, complete with a ton of Flash, screensavers, the works. Check it out at the Official Movie Site.
(Read more)
March 18, 2005:
Tom Lennon confirmed as the voice of Eddie, the Heart of Gold's on-board computer. Also, several other bits of news in this thread.
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March 16, 2005: is completely finished, and is up and running a full 4 days ahead of schedule.
(Read more)
March 14, 2005:
The voice of Deep Thought has been confirmed to be the voice of Helen Mirren, according to MJ Simpson of Planet Magrathea.
(Read more)
March 12, 2005:, despite not yet being open, already has visitors numbering into the thousands!
(Read more)
March 10, 2005: featured on front page of Planet Magrathea!
(Read more)
March 9, 2005:
Premiere date announced.
(Read more)
March 1, 2005: begins construction.
March 1, 2005 (From February 12, 2005):
Official Movie release date announced.
(Read more) is really taking off!Whoa! There's a huge new
Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy site that came out of nowhere and is taking the HHGTTG community by storm!
HHGTTG site features not only the largest
h2g2 image gallery in the world, but also downloadable sounds, wallpaper, buddy icons, character bios, actor bios, a nice forum, and a complete line of exclusive gear like shirts, mugs, and coasters. (And a ton more...)
There are, of course, several movie trailers. They're all great, but "Trailer #3" is the best, in my opinion.
Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Movie TrailersCheck out some of the custom wallpapers:
Click here to get the full size wallpaper
Click here to get the full size wallpaper
Click here to get the full size wallpaperSweet! There's a ton of this stuff on