Friday, May 06, 2005

Brazilian Towel Campaign

Wowbagger, of Milliway's (Brazilian Portuguese), is starting a Brazilian "Towel Campaign", which is basically along the same lines as the "Dress The Part" contest, but without the "giveaway" part. As such, I've invited him to include his visitors in our contest as well (which means that the contest deadline will be extended until the end of June instead of May 16, since the movie doesn't open in Brazil until early June.)

The Towel Campaign, or "Campanha da Toalha", largely consists of bit of text that is being passed around, including 42 reasons why they should bring a towel to the movie theater. If you have friends that speak Portuguese (particularly Brazilian Portuguese), send this to them. Likewise, many of your Spanish-speaking friends will be able to get the gist of it as well, so send it to them also. (Portuguese and Spanish are very similar languages, and those who speak one can typically read the other well enough to understand it.)

I tried to include the original Portuguese here, but the non-English characters got chopped up too badly, so here's the link instead. ;)

Site oficial da campanha: