Saturday, April 02, 2005

Documentary rumor

There is an unconfirmed (but seemingly credible) rumor that the documentary Life, The Universe, And Douglas Adams will be available as an bonus feature on the eventual DVD release of The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy.

"Douglas was always full of ideas. Many of them mine. Seriously, he was wonderfully stimulating company. You don't believe me? Buy this." --John Cleese
First and only authorized documentary of beloved author and visionary, Douglas Adams.Narrated by Sandman Creator, Neil Gaiman, the film features exclusive, never-before seen footage of Douglas Adams, with contributions from over 30 of his closest family and friends.

Previously, this has only been available on VHS (see link above).

Edit: Personal note to Neil Gaiman (who did the narration for the above documentary) - Your journal (link) has been added to's link section. And thanks for the oodles of traffic today when you mentioned in your journal. I had no idea your site was so insanely popular... ;)


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