Saturday, May 14, 2005

Signed Quandry Phase scripts for sale on eBay

Michael Cule, who played the Vogon guard in episode 2 of the television series (Resistance is useless!) dropped me an email earlier today about two items that he's listing on eBay. They are original scripts from the Quandry Phase (the relatively new radio version). They are both signed by several of the artists who took part.

Script 1 is from episode 1
Signed by the artists who took part in this radio version of SO LONG AND THANKS FOR ALL THE FISH, including Simon Jones, Geoffery McGivern, Arthur Smith, Bill Patterson, Michael Cule, Chris Emmett.

Script 2 is from episode 3
Signed by the artists who took part in this radio version of SO LONG AND THANKS FOR ALL THE FISH, including Steven Fry, Simon Jones, Geoffery McGivern, Jane Horrocks, Michael Cule.