Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Competitions for HHGTTG fans

HHGTTGOnline.com Forum (International)
First member to 100 posts gets a free copy of the Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy (the single book), and first one to 500 posts gets a free copy of an omnibus edition (all five books in one, plus the short story "Young Zaphod Plays It Safe"). Contest rules are in the forum.

Other promotions (possibly movie tickets, etc.) are a distinct possibility if these early promotions go over well with the HHGTTG community. (In other words... the more people who get involved, the more likely I am to start handing out lots of free stuff.) HINT!

Veronica Magazine (Netherlands)
Call-in contest, with a prize of tickets to the opening in London. Note that the recent mention of this contest on DAC (with call-in numbers) refers to opening night as "the 20th", so either it's an early premiere or the information could be faulty. If you speak Dutch, by all means check it out and report back to us with a confirmation, etc.

UGC Cinemas (UK)
UGC Cinemas has announced a promotion featuring free scratchcards for anyone purchasing any large drink and a large popcorn. They go on to state that there are thousands of prizes, and that every scratchcard is a winner. Prizes include "premiere tickets, signed film posters and books, DVDs, t-shirts, and more." (The "and more" probably means free popcorn or something. After all, they can't very well give away expensive prizes to everyone, right?)


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